Nonogram Solver
Nonogram Solver

UbuntucodecovDoxygen ActionDev

Greedy Alogrithm

How to measure the number of segments?

  • Fills on the edge doesn't count

|Line|# Segments|Fills|Holes| |—|—|—|—|—| |[0,0,0,0]|0|[]|[1,2,3,4]| |[1,0,0,0]|1|[0]|[2,3,4]| |[1,1,0,0]|1|[0,1]|[2,3]| |[0,0,1,0]|1|[2]|[0,1,3]| |[1,0,1,0]|2|[0,2]|[1,3]| |[0,1,1,0]|1|[1,2]|[0,3]| |[1,1,1,0]|1|[0,1,2]|[3]| |[0,0,0,1]|1|[3]|[0,1,2]| |[1,0,0,1]|2|[0,3]|[1,2]| |[0,1,0,1]|2|[1,3]|[0,2]| |[1,1,0,1]|2|[0,1,3]|[2]| |[0,0,1,1]|1|[2,3]|[0,1]| |[1,0,1,1]|2|[0,2,3]|[1]| |[0,1,1,1]|1|[1,2,3]|[0]| |[1,1,1,1]|1|[0,1,2,3]|[]|

  • Need a function that f(arrFills) = # of segments
    • idea ON-OFF flip flop
      • Add one when 0->1 occurs; reset when 1->0
      • Time complexity: O(n)
function seg_conunt(arr)
count = 0
n_seg = 0
for i in arr
if count == 0
if i == 1
count = 1
n_seg += 1
if i == 0
count = 0
return n_seg

Create 2D array with double pointer and one malloc call

int main()
int r=3, c=4, len=0;
int *ptr, **arr;
int count = 0,i,j;
len = sizeof(int *) * r + sizeof(int) * c * r;
arr = (int **)malloc(len);
// ptr is now pointing to the first element in of 2D array
ptr = (int *)(arr + r);
// for loop to point rows pointer to appropriate location in 2D array
for(i = 0; i < r; i++)
arr[i] = (ptr + c * i);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
arr[i][j] = ++count; // OR *(*(arr+i)+j) = ++count
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
printf("%d ", arr[i][j]);
return 0;

Git tag

  • Add tag ```sh git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "my version 1.4" ```
  • Push tag ```sh git push origin v0.0.1 ```

Header files

It is not recommended to put function definitions in a header file. Ideally there should be only function declarations. Purpose of this code is to only demonstrate working of header files.

Implementation of dynamic 1D array

typedef struct {
int *array;
size_t used;
size_t size;
} Array;
void initArray(Array *a, size_t initialSize) {
a->array = malloc(initialSize * sizeof(int));
a->used = 0;
a->size = initialSize;
void insertArray(Array *a, int element) {
// a->used is the number of used entries, because a->array[a->used++] updates a->used only *after* the array has been accessed.
// Therefore a->used can go up to a->size
if (a->used == a->size) {
a->size *= 2;
a->array = realloc(a->array, a->size * sizeof(int));
a->array[a->used++] = element;
void freeArray(Array *a) {
a->array = NULL;
a->used = a->size = 0;


Array a;
int i;
initArray(&a, 5); // initially 5 elements
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
insertArray(&a, i); // automatically resizes as necessary
printf("%d\n", a.array[9]); // print 10th element
printf("%d\n", a.used); // print number of elements

Use realloc to increase or shrink the size.

How to read line in a file

void read_file(void){
FILE *stream = fopen("test/data/output_1.txt", "r");
char line[80];
while ((fscanf(stream, "%[^\n]", line))!= EOF)
fgetc(stream); // Reads in '\n' character and moves file
// stream past delimiting character
printf("%s \n", line);

Add test file



  1. 2D array construction. [GreekforGeek]
  2. Git tag. [Blog]
  3. Integer to string: itoa. [Blog]
  4. Compare with memcpy [Tutorial]
    • 不能用於 struct [reason]
  5. Memory management in C [tutorial]
  6. fscanf: reading file in C. [greekforgeek]
  7. How to pass 2D array. [GreekforGeek]