C Project Template
src Directory Reference


file  list.h [code]
 Double linked list. This implementation provides O(1) complexity for reversing. See main page for details. This implementataion sacrifices the speed of reading. It requires the check of the flag to the next node when moving from one node to another. However, HW1 P5 only needs to read the lines once. Noted that the direction of the next node is updated by XOR operation, so this double linked list is also known as XOR double linked list (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XOR_linked_list).
file  main.c
 This project is for the DSA course 2021 at National Taiwan Unviersity. Homework 1 Problem 5. See https://stevengogogo.github.io/DSA-WastonAbili/ for details.
file  utils.h [code]
 General Utilities for C language.